In our clinic, excellence, quality and your comfort are our driving force and constitute our strength

Den­tists exper­tise

Col­lab­o­ra­tion with expe­ri­enced den­tal ceramists and den­tal tech­ni­cians

High qual­i­ty mate­ri­als

Patient well­be­ing via local anaes­the­sia, seda­tion or gen­er­al anaes­the­sia

A ded­i­cat­ed team, focused on qual­i­ta­tive and pre­ven­tive den­tistry

Long-term suc­cess of our treat­ments, fol­low-up by our den­tal hygien­ists (pre­ven­tion spe­cial­ists)

At your ser­vice, we offer the best alter­na­tives in order to choose the appro­pri­ate treat­ment tai­lored to your sit­u­a­tion.


In our clinic, excellence, quality and your comfort are our driving force and constitute our strength

Den­tists exper­tise

Col­lab­o­ra­tion with expe­ri­enced den­tal ceramists and den­tal tech­ni­cians

High qual­i­ty mate­ri­als

Patient well­be­ing via local anaes­the­sia, seda­tion or gen­er­al anaes­the­sia

A ded­i­cat­ed team, focused on qual­i­ta­tive and pre­ven­tive den­tistry

Long-term suc­cess of our treat­ments, fol­low-up by our den­tal hygien­ists (pre­ven­tion spe­cial­ists)

At your ser­vice, we offer the best alter­na­tives in order to choose the appro­pri­ate treat­ment tai­lored to your sit­u­a­tion.

Head den­tist

Mem­ber of the Swiss Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion (SSO) and the Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion of the Can­ton of Vaud (SVMD)

2016 Cre­ation of the group clin­ic Den­tal Solu­tions

2014 Mas­ter course in Aes­thet­ic Implant Den­tistry

2013/16 Direc­tor of LACLINIC’s Cen­tre for Aes­thet­ic Den­tistry, Mon­treux

2013 Mas­ter Course in Regen­er­a­tive and Aes­thet­ic Peri­odon­tal Ther­a­py

2003 Mas­ter Course in Implant Den­tistry

2004 Pri­vate clin­ic in Morges

2001 Implant clin­ic

2000 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion


Mem­bre du comité de la SGI-SSIO (Société Suis­se d’Implantologie Orale)

Dès 2019 Col­lab­o­ra­tion avec le cab­i­net Den­tal­so­lu­tions

2018 Doc­tor­at en médecine den­taire (Thèse No 753, UniGE)

2018 Cer­ti­fi­cat de For­ma­tion Post­grade en Implan­tolo­gie orale (SSO)

2012-219 Créa­tion et exploita­tion du cab­i­net den­taire Mon­ay­ron & Rieder à Morges

Dès 2016 Chargé d’enseignement à l’Université de Genève

2008–2016 Assis­tant uni­ver­si­taire (Prof. U. Belser puis Prof. I. Sail­er)

2014 M.A.S en biolo­gie orale (Maîtrise d’Etudes Avancées, UniGE)

2008–2012 For­ma­tion post­graduée en médecine den­taire recon­struc­trice, Uni­ver­sité de Genève

2008–2012 Pra­tique dans plusieurs cab­i­nets den­taire de la région de Genève (Dr. Honeg­ger, Dr. Wehrli)

2008 Diplômé de l’Université de Genève, Clin­ique Uni­ver­si­taire de Médecine Den­taire



(Mem­ber of the Swiss Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion (SSO), Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion of the Can­ton of Vaud (SVMD), Com­put­er­ized Physi­cian Order Entry (CPOE) and ITI Inter­na­tion­al Team for Implan­tol­ogy

2017 Part­ner at the Den­tal Solu­tions clin­ic

2002 Den­tal implants

1992–2016 Pri­vate clin­ic, Morges

1985 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion


Endodon­tic spe­cial­ist

2006 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2005 PhD in aes­thet­ic den­tistry from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva

2000 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion

Den­tal Hygien­ist

2010 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2010 Den­tal hygien­ist, grad­u­ate of the Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire, Geneva

Den­tal Hygien­ist

2012 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2011 Den­tal hygien­ist, grad­u­ate of the Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire, Geneva

2019 Col­lab­o­ra­tion avec le cab­i­net den­tal­so­lu­tions
2008 Hygiénis­te den­taire, diplômée de l’Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire de Genève
Den­tal Hygien­ist
Den­tal Hygien­ist

Sec­re­tary, Recep­tion­ist 

Den­tal assis­tant from 2004 to 2011 at the Faba clin­ic

Since 2011 Sec­re­tary and Recep­tion­ist                                          

Head den­tist

Mem­ber of the Swiss Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion (SSO) and the Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion of the Can­ton of Vaud (SVMD)

2016 Cre­ation of the group clin­ic Den­tal Solu­tions

2014 Mas­ter course in Aes­thet­ic Implant Den­tistry

2013/16 Direc­tor of LACLINIC’s Cen­tre for Aes­thet­ic Den­tistry, Mon­treux

2013 Mas­ter Course in Regen­er­a­tive and Aes­thet­ic Peri­odon­tal Ther­a­py

2003 Mas­ter Course in Implant Den­tistry

2004 Pri­vate clin­ic in Morges

2001 Implant clin­ic

2000 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion


Mem­bre du comité de la SGI-SSIO (Société Suis­se d’Implantologie Orale)

Dès 2019 Col­lab­o­ra­tion avec le cab­i­net Den­tal­so­lu­tions

2018 Doc­tor­at en médecine den­taire (Thèse No 753, UniGE)

2018 Cer­ti­fi­cat de For­ma­tion Post­grade en Implan­tolo­gie orale (SSO)

2012-219 Créa­tion et exploita­tion du cab­i­net den­taire Mon­ay­ron & Rieder à Morges

Dès 2016 Chargé d’enseignement à l’Université de Genève

2008–2016 Assis­tant uni­ver­si­taire (Prof. U. Belser puis Prof. I. Sail­er)

2014 M.A.S en biolo­gie orale (Maîtrise d’Etudes Avancées, UniGE)

2008–2012 For­ma­tion post­graduée en médecine den­taire recon­struc­trice, Uni­ver­sité de Genève

2008–2012 Pra­tique dans plusieurs cab­i­nets den­taire de la région de Genève (Dr. Honeg­ger, Dr. Wehrli)

2008 Diplômé de l’Université de Genève, Clin­ique Uni­ver­si­taire de Médecine Den­taire



(Mem­ber of the Swiss Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion (SSO), Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion of the Can­ton of Vaud (SVMD), Com­put­er­ized Physi­cian Order Entry (CPOE) and ITI Inter­na­tion­al Team for Implan­tol­ogy

2017 Part­ner at the Den­tal Solu­tions clin­ic

2002 Den­tal implants

1992–2016 Pri­vate clin­ic, Morges

1985 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion


Endodon­tic spe­cial­ist

2006 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2005 PhD in aes­thet­ic den­tistry from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva

2000 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion

Den­tal Hygien­ist

2010 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2010 Den­tal hygien­ist, grad­u­ate of the Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire, Geneva

Den­tal Hygien­ist

2012 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2011 Den­tal hygien­ist, grad­u­ate of the Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire, Geneva

2019 Col­lab­o­ra­tion avec le cab­i­net den­tal­so­lu­tions
2008 Hygiénis­te den­taire, diplômée de l’Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire de Genève
Den­tal Hygien­ist
Den­tal Hygien­ist

Sec­re­tary, Recep­tion­ist 

Den­tal assis­tant from 2004 to 2011 at the Faba clin­ic

Since 2011 Sec­re­tary and Recep­tion­ist                                          

Head den­tist

Mem­ber of the Swiss Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion (SSO) and the Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion of the Can­ton of Vaud (SVMD)

2016 Cre­ation of the group clin­ic Den­tal Solu­tions

2014 Mas­ter course in Aes­thet­ic Implant Den­tistry

2013/16 Direc­tor of LACLINIC’s Cen­tre for Aes­thet­ic Den­tistry, Mon­treux

2013 Mas­ter Course in Regen­er­a­tive and Aes­thet­ic Peri­odon­tal Ther­a­py

2003 Mas­ter Course in Implant Den­tistry

2004 Pri­vate clin­ic in Morges

2001 Implant clin­ic

2000 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion


Mem­bre du comité de la SGI-SSIO (Société Suis­se d’Implantologie Orale)

Dès 2019 Col­lab­o­ra­tion avec le cab­i­net Den­tal­so­lu­tions

2018 Doc­tor­at en médecine den­taire (Thèse No 753, UniGE)

2018 Cer­ti­fi­cat de For­ma­tion Post­grade en Implan­tolo­gie orale (SSO)

2012-219 Créa­tion et exploita­tion du cab­i­net den­taire Mon­ay­ron & Rieder à Morges

Dès 2016 Chargé d’enseignement à l’Université de Genève

2008–2016 Assis­tant uni­ver­si­taire (Prof. U. Belser puis Prof. I. Sail­er)

2014 M.A.S en biolo­gie orale (Maîtrise d’Etudes Avancées, UniGE)

2008–2012 For­ma­tion post­graduée en médecine den­taire recon­struc­trice, Uni­ver­sité de Genève

2008–2012 Pra­tique dans plusieurs cab­i­nets den­taire de la région de Genève (Dr. Honeg­ger, Dr. Wehrli)

2008 Diplômé de l’Université de Genève, Clin­ique Uni­ver­si­taire de Médecine Den­taire



(Mem­ber of the Swiss Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion (SSO), Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion of the Can­ton of Vaud (SVMD), Com­put­er­ized Physi­cian Order Entry (CPOE) and ITI Inter­na­tion­al Team for Implan­tol­ogy

2017 Part­ner at the Den­tal Solu­tions clin­ic

2002 Den­tal implants

1992–2016 Pri­vate clin­ic, Morges

1985 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion


Endodon­tic spe­cial­ist

2006 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2005 PhD in aes­thet­ic den­tistry from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva

2000 Grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva, Den­tal Med­i­cine Sec­tion

Den­tal Hygien­ist

2010 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2010 Den­tal hygien­ist, grad­u­ate of the Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire, Geneva

Den­tal Hygien­ist

2012 Part­ner at the Faba clin­ic

2011 Den­tal hygien­ist, grad­u­ate of the Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire, Geneva

2019 Col­lab­o­ra­tion avec le cab­i­net den­tal­so­lu­tions
2008 Hygiénis­te den­taire, diplômée de l’Ecole supérieure d’hygiéniste den­taire de Genève
Den­tal Hygien­ist
Den­tal Hygien­ist

Sec­re­tary, Recep­tion­ist 

Den­tal assis­tant from 2004 to 2011 at the Faba clin­ic

Since 2011 Sec­re­tary and Recep­tion­ist                                          

To maintain our patients oral health, we guarantee high quality work in all areas of dentistry.

Our Swiss master ceramists guarantee the quality of prostheses and a perfect aesthetic finish.


To maintain our patients oral health, we guarantee high quality work in all areas of dentistry.

Our Swiss master ceramists guarantee the quality of prostheses and a perfect aesthetic finish.

To maintain our patients oral health, we guarantee high quality work in all areas of dentistry.

Our Swiss master ceramists guarantee the quality of prostheses and a perfect aesthetic finish.


The clin­ic, con­stant­ly evolv­ing, wel­comes you in a pleas­ant and friend­ly atmos­phere. Cen­tral­ly locat­ed in Morges near Lake Geneva in Switzer­land, patients can enjoy this unique envi­ron­ment before and after treat­ment.

Our team con­sists of four den­tists, three hygien­ists and 10 den­tal assis­tants.

In 2004, we took over Dr Edgar Schreyer’s clin­ic in Morges, in 2006 we took over Dr Pier­re-Alain Vuithier’s, in 2013 Dr Jean-Bap­tis­te Perret’s and in 2017 Dr Jean-Marc Givel merged his clin­ic into our team.

Pho­to gallery


Mobile Care Anaes­the­sia www.mobile-anesthesia-care.ch

Dr Ivan Doj­ci­novic www.chirurgiemaxillo-faciale.ch

M2 Ortho­don­tics in Morges: 021 802 23 13

Dr Vicky and Serge Kazand­jian, ortho­don­tists in Morges: 021 802 80 70


Evi­dent­ly, we respond to emer­gen­cies dur­ing clin­ic open­ing hours. Out­side the­se hours, on week­ends and hol­i­days, the ser­vice organ­ised by the Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion of the Can­ton of Vaud (SVMD) will receive you in a com­pe­tent and pro­fes­sion­al man­ner.

Tel: 084 813 31 33 www.svmd.ch



150 CHF/session for patients who visit twice a year (hygiene and intraoral x-rays included)

125 CHF/session for patients who visit 3 to 4 times a year (health and intraoral x-rays included)

The med­ical and den­tal ser­vices tar­iff con­tains over 500 ser­vices.

Each ser­vice is assigned a range of points.

Accord­ing to the tar­iff agree­ment, the val­ue of points may vary between 3.10 CHF (social secu­ri­ty val­ue) and 5.80 CHF (max­i­mum val­ue).

Point val­ue for our patients

Cov­ered by social secu­ri­ty (unchanged since 1994) 3.10 CHF

Cov­ered by the LAA, AI (unchanged since 1994) 3.10 CHF

Cov­ered by social secu­ri­ty (unchanged since 1994) 3.10 CHF

Pri­vate 3.80 CHF

The point price does not indi­cate the cost of treat­ment. There are often sev­er­al meth­ods to con­duct den­tal treat­ment. Con­se­quent­ly, if in doubt, we high­ly rec­om­mend request­ing a tar­iff esti­mate from your den­tist in order to com­pare with oth­er esti­mates.

In the inter­est of trans­paren­cy, below are some exam­ples of our tar­iffs. 

This list is non-exhaus­tive and does not replace an indi­vid­u­al esti­mate.

Hygien­ist check-up (see pack­ages offered)

Den­tist check-up (2 X-rays)

Panoram­ic radi­og­ra­phy OPT

Dig­i­tal vol­ume tomog­ra­phy

In-chair or home whiten­ing

• Gen­er­al anaes­the­sia — 1h

Implant crown

Ceram­ic crown

Ceram­ic inlay

Ceram­ic veneer

Ceram­ic bridge (3 teeth)

Direct fill­ing (com­pos­ite resin)

Full pros­the­sis (den­tures)

Remov­able par­tial den­tures (Stel­lite alloy)

Full pros­the­sis (2 implants)

All on four — Full pros­the­sis (4 implants)

125–180 CHF

120 CHF

170 CHF

250–430 CHF

In-chair 800 CHF — Home 600 CHF

800 CHF

3’500 CHF

1’500 CHF

1’400 CHF

1’600 CHF

4’400 CHF

200–400 CHF

2’200 CHF

2’400 CHF

6’500 CHF

13’000 CHF


Société Suisse d’Odonto-Stomatologie SSO www.sso.ch

Société Vaudoise des Médecins-Dentistes SVMD www.svmd.ch

Fondation implants Suisse www.fondationimplants.ch

Firme Implantaire Straumann www.straumann.ch

Société Suisse de Parodontologie www.parodontologie.ch

Société d’anesthésie ambulatoire www.mobile-anasthesia-care.ch

Firme Implantaire Implant Direct www.implantdirect.com


Rue Louis de Savoie 57, 1110 Morges

Park­ing spaces are avail­able along the water­front, the Sports car park and the cen­tre com­mer­cial Coop des Char­p­en­tiers car park.

All with­in 5 min­utes walk of the clin­ic.


Open­ing hours

Mon­day 8h00 18h00
Tues­day 8h00 18h00
Wednes­day 8h00 18h00
Thurs­day 8h00 18h00
Fri­day 8h00 16h00

We answer calls from Mon­day to Fri­day from 8 am at 021 801 78 16

Our postal address is rue des Alpes 3, 1110 Morges

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